One of the greatest perks of being an author for children and teens is the opportunity to visit with the readers either in person or live on the internet. At a recent 'Author Talk', I was visiting with approximately fifty or so kids between the ages of 11-13. The subject of our discussion was the Book of Kati Series.
A young girl asked, "Why did you write the series?"
I explained to her that sometimes an author writes a book to just tell a story and then at other times authors tell both a story and try to make the reader think about a message or many messages within the book. In the case of the first book CHANGES, Shona Anderson, my co-author, and I wanted our readers to understand the importance of friendships.
But this isn't everything that we considered as authors. Long before any young reader had the opportunity to read one of books, we took into consideration the following:
- Is the story relevant to the reader? Too many times young readers quit a book because they have no understanding of the topic and/or its relevance in their lives. A commonly stated reason for quitting the book - 'It's boring'!
- Is the story written at the level of the targeted reader? It is absolutely critical that an author understands the skills of developing vocabulary and content in the text.
- Does the story allow for the reader to think about the content of the book without assistance? I am an advocate of developing independence in the reader. This becomes even more important as we use the book to develop higher level brain development.
- Are the messages clear and easily understood? This is why I do test reviews with readers across the United States and Canada. These kids and adults often bring attention to problems with the story or what they like.